Lifewave Stamps in PUB   <—–CLICK THERE

In my office I want people to buy the patches from me and not search out the internet.  So I put my own stamps on my patches and I even make my own envelops to carry to patches around in the office and I made a website called  (not this one) if patients want to know more about how patches work.

But they don’t find out the brand until I let them.

I made the stamps, I made envelopes.  You just order the stamps from the vista print account in the document and call me for envelopes.

I did the work for you so that you do not have to re-invent this system.  If you want to simply sign them up to get the patches from Lifewave you can do that.  But now it is your decision and is in your control.

In my office I sell patches individually, you can set your own price.

Click the above link to see how it is done