Trouble Shooting
If you have put on patches and are not getting changes in a few minutes consider the following
The patches will not work if the person is dehydrated. If you have put on 3 or 4 patches and see no change have the patient drink 8 to 16oz of water. If you can put some minerals in the water that works even better.
Irritated Ilio Cecal Valve:
I made a video on this. It is on the video page. It is really worth watching. It is a valve in the lower right abdomen. When that valve is irritated you could have all sorts of other seemingly dis-related problems, random pain, even cold and flu symptoms. Usually the pain is on the right side of the body. The most common problem is a right shoulder or right hip problem.
If you have a person with lumbar issues even a herniated disc suspect an ilio cecal valve to be at least part of the problem. The nice thing about using the patches is that you can simply try the patches and see if the pain reduces.
I check this on every patient.
Scars cut across acupuncture meridians and cause problems. They don't necessarily have to be big. Please watch the video on scars and how to deal with them.
Other Therapies
Patches are awesome but they don’t fix everything every time. Sometimes a person really needs an adjustment, herbs, neuro feedback, homeopathy or exercise etc.
If a person is eating food that is bad for him (toxic, allergic, sensitive) he needs to change.
There could be emotional imbalances that could require emotional techniques. So if you don’t get the result you want it may not be that the patches are not working it was just that the person needed something else or something more. From my experience the patches often enhance any other therapy.
If you are a doctor then you know other techniques, and I assume you incorporate them. If you are not a doctor then just be aware that if the person is not getting better he may need other things as well as the patches it isn’t that they don’t work.
Root Canal fillings: This type of filling can block acupuncture meridians severely. Some people never get well until they get rid of these fillings. This website is not a resource for toxins caused by dentistry however if a person has a lot of health issues and a lot of dental work, especially root canals he can be very ill. I find with these people they always need a lot of patches because the cause, in this case the root canal filling, is not fixed. However until they do get it fixed keep patching and do whatever else helps. For more information on root canal fillings read “Root Canal Cover Up” by George Meinig.