The Body as a Computer

Both macroscopically and microscopically the body is very much analogous to a computer, a cell phone system and a land line phone system.

The nervous system is like the telephone or the cable system. Electrical impulses and chemicals travel along the nerves.

The cells of the body are energetic devices. The cell membranes are lipid bi-layers with charged ions on either side. Therefore they create an electrical potential. The lipid bi layer stores that energy.

When the membrane can no longer store that energy, your health declines.

This is an energetic process not a chemical process. If you could increase the storage power of the cells then the chemicals could move in and out more easily. This is what we mean by energy controlling chemistry. If you could keep those cells charged on a daily basis how much healthier do you think you could be?

Your nervous system is not the only electrical or energetic system of your body.

Chiropractors have the big idea correctly. The big idea is that the nervous system controls every cell of your body. However, the nervous system is not simply the energy from your spinal cord.

So how does energy get to all the cells if not through the spinal cord?

The answer lies in the fact that body has similar parts to a computer:

Cell membranes, proteins and DNA have electrical properties can act as semi- conductors. They are biological resonators capable of both receiving and sending electromagnetic energy in a controlled and specific manner.

These semi conductors can also act as switches.

Cell membranes, protein and many other cell components act as semi conductors; they can let energy run over them or through. This is a form of energy conduction that is separate from the nervous system. If a nerve is severed to the leg there is still cell activity in that leg.

Furthermore if you look at cells from the standpoint of micro anatomy you will see that micro tubules, filaments and intermediate filaments have the same structure of cell phone antennae.

This is how the body transmits frequencies form one area of the body to another almost instantly.

Electricity and magnetic energy are not the only forms of energy transmitted in the body. It has been shown that light travels through the body and it enters and exits at acupuncture points. Vitamin D needs light to get synthesized. Imagine what other body processes need light?

The blue light of the morning wakes you up, you need darkness to process melatonin. People who don’t get enough light may get depressed. Light is important.

Liquid Crystals:

There is a 4th state of matter between solid and liquid which is called liquid crystal. Proteins, DNA, membranes, enzymes, and cholesterol are in this liquid crystal state. Liquid crystal can be polarized and can conduct energy.

This is an advantage our bodies have over computers. Computers don’t have liquid crystals yet but researchers are working on it.

The patches work on the body’s cell phone and computer system which controls every cell of your body. Since the body has this instantaneous cell phone network you can get the instant results these patches are known for.