Hormone Help
How to use patches to help with hormones.
If you are using bio identical hormones you may be only doing replacement therapy if you don’t deal with the person at a deeper level; specifically, the liver and the adrenals.
Usually hormone replacement involves estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.
If a person is stressed or toxic or inflamed for any reason they will produce more cortisol.
If the person over produces this hormone the body will steal progesterone to make more cortisol. If the person does not have enough progesterone she will not respond properly to estrogen.
Therefore, it is important to get cortisol under control.
From the stand point of the patches this is what I do.
Aeon Patch “Stress Patch”
The Aeon Stress patch stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. So it calms people down. A calm person makes less cortisol and is less inflamed. Less inflammation means the body does not need to make as much cortisol.
This lowers inflammation and therefore helps the adrenals to rest.
Secondly think of the liver. The liver recycles estrogen. If it is clogged then that does not happen.
The liver is also a secondary producer of T3 hormone. There is a relationship between adrenal function and thyroid hormone.
Here are my personal observations of the Cravings patch in reference to hormones.
While the cravings patch was made to handle food and apatite control I find that it muscle tests really well on acupuncture points related to the hypothalamus.
I have seen it stop or reduce hot flashes.
The hypothalamus gives instructions the whole pituitary , thyroid, adrenal axis.
This is why I use it on many people with hormone issues.
I have even seen it produce amazing weight loss in some people. Not everyone, but the ones that it does work on are incredible.
Hot Flashes:
Western medicine talks about a lack of estrogen as a cause of hot flashes but Chinese medicine cosndiers hot flashes as riging liver heat. Really they are the same thing. That is why I handle hot flashes by helping the liver, increasing iodine, calming the adrenals and balancing the hypothalamus.
Glutathione “Detox” Patch:
From the stand point of the patches, use the Glutathione Patch every day on the right Liver 3 point between the big toe and the next toe.
Aeon “Stress” Patch:
Use this every day on GV 14 which is between the C7 and T1 vertebrae
Craving Patch:
Use this on Left Spleen 6 which is 4 fingers up from the medial ankle bone. You could also try it on the adrenal neuro lymphatic point which is 2 inches up and one inch to the left of the navel.
Iodizyme from Biotics
A person can’t make estrogen without iodine. I will put people on 50 mg of Iodizyme from Biotics Research. This is a combination of iodine and potassium iodide. It is a formula that has been around for 100 years. This is especially needed if a person has cold hands and feet. After a month or 2 the person may only need 25 mg a day.
2 pills two times a day is 50 mg
Inflammation and pH
Also, you need to calm inflammation and raise Ph. I use electro pH from Apex Energetix. I use 2 to 4 scoops a day until the first morning urine pH is 6,8 to 7.2.
You can get pH paper form the same company.
If you want to add any extra liver herbs try:
Nat Body Clear from Physica 3 pills 2 times a day. This is more of a detox formula.
Livotrit from Biotics is a good choice as well (3, two times a day). It if only good for the liver not a whole detox but it is less expensive and can do a good job.
If the person is really exhausted use
Adrenatran from Energetix 3 pills 2 times a day, not 6 hours before bed. Get into this one slowly because it can give you too much energy and keep you awake.
If the adrenals are not too bad then try:
ADHS from Biotics 3 pills 2 times a day
Ionic Foot bath
The ionic foot bath does wonder at making people feel better faster. If I can get them to come in I would have them do one every day for 10 days in a row. IF they can’t comply at least do it 2 or 3 tiems a week for a shile of whatever you can.